Track your shipment

Real-time quotes. Smooth ordering. Support in your language.

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You can send up to 9000 lbs!

Smooth shipping of almost anything up to 9000 lbs. Our experts will advise you on how to book, pack and measure your shipment.

Price optimization

We can offer some of the lowest prices for parcel and freight shipping.

We only choose the option with the best price-to-performance ratio, so we're never sacrificing the quality of the transportation services.

Contact us & instant price for any route. Only a few clicks away.
Quality control
Order transferred to the logistics provider based on their cost-effectiveness & reliability for your chosen route.
Logistics provider delivers door-to-door. Available tracking tools for the latest shipment status.

Track your shipment

business users
based on 506 independent reviews
languages for customer support

What other customers have sent

The prices are based on past orders and are displayed for informational purposes only. The actual prices may vary depending on the package size and carriers availability.

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